Ensure your Mighty Bright is authentic

As the world changes, we are dealing with an increasing number of issues caused by counterfeit products being sold online through unauthorized 3rd party sellers on websites like Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Rakuten, etc. In some cases, we've seen other companies fraudulently using the "Mighty Bright" name in an effort to make their brands appear reputable. Our goal is, and always has been, to create beautiful and functional products with the finest craftsmanship, attention to detail, and backed by our 100% Mighty Bright Guarantee.

Any authentic Mighty Bright product purchased directly from Mighty Bright or from an authorized seller is covered by our 1-year warranty. However any counterfeit products, or products purchased from unauthorized sellers, will, unfortunately, not be covered.

We spend considerable time and effort testing our products to ensure they are safe to use, we also audit our suppliers quality programs, their working and living conditions, and factory safety policies to ensure high standards. To learn more about Mighty Bright quality, click here. On the other hand, sellers of counterfeit product may not take the time to thoroughly test their technology and their manufacturing processes may be questionable. 

Your safety and satisfaction is our highest priority and we pride ourselves on making quality products that you can enjoy for years to come. Shop with confidence when you buy an authentic Mighty Bright direct from our site or from an authorized seller.

If you have any questions about whether a product is authentic or not, please contact us at: